Wednesday, December 8, 2010

New Look for Blog

Colour for the Year 2011 is PINK!!!!

Interestingly, I just heard over the radio a few days a ago that it was decided by some international research body that the colour for the year 2011 is PINK!

It seemed to be related to the optimism, anticipation, renewal of energy for the coming year etc; if I remember correctly. Its hard to concentrate on the radio when one is trying to manouver in a traffic jam.

Well, it so happened that right now my favourite colour is pink and my book is pink, my free carrier bag for the book and book mark are all pink! Nice touch!

Beige my Blog

But I decided to beige my blog. Though the book "The Beauty of Covering Up' is more for ladies, my blog is not. Perhaps all pink is a bit overwhelming for some brothers. Do look up my FaceBook under Noorshin Ng.

I just write and share my thoughts and concerns with anyone who cares to visit. I do not like to be political here - politics can make people emotional and insane.

Some people spend a lot to make their blogs look professional . They use this as a tool to slander others. When we read something we need to ask what is the intention of the writer? Is there a hidden agenda?

Do Not Believe Everything You Read or Hear

We can surely sense the sincerity or rather, lack of sincerity and arrogance of some writers who criticise others and even use false information to confuse innocent readers.

We really need to ask for dalil (evidence from authentic sources) if someone writes something damaging about our brothers and sisters. Just because it is printed and published does not mean its the truth.

Some people have no fear of Allah SWT and do not mind if the malaikah (angels) record their misdeeds.

May Allah SWT guide and protect us.

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