Sunday, November 6, 2011

Assalamu alaikum dear friends, I'm back again!

Good to be back!

Been away for a really long time - since Ramadhan. And its already Eidul Adha already! With all the extra work and commitments in Ramadhan I decided to cool it and stayed away from my blog. Sometimes when we are too busy, the creative part of us become frozen in time.

Stale and Stilted Thoughts

Writer's block some may call it. We can still write but it will take more effort and time. And ideas may become stale and not spontaneous. I do not write with drafts and re drafts. Sometimes when the mood hits, my fingers just fly over the keyboard and words begin to form, as fast as the brain can muster the thoughts and feelings.

Feeling good about writing again

Its kind of coming back right now. I did not plan to write anything, just to check whether I needed to respond to any comments from my dear friends and readers. I love you for taking the time to read my thoughts. Thank you.

I need to improve my vocabulary

I do not like to stop when I am on a roll. That of course means I do not use words that I cannot remember how to spell anymore, due to long disuse. And also vague words from memory that I am no longer sure of what they mean exactly. Where's that old dictionary of mine?

I do envy (in a good and loving way) , my dear sister Hajar who writes so delicately and yet so effectively. I love the way she pens her thoughts.
Some of her little phrases inspire and make me want to put in more effort than just churning out my thoughts in a primitive manner.

Looking forward to more writing... soon! I promise.

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